James went to the kitchen for chips and came back to the sofa. Pilot jumped up onto the cushions and stared at James.
James [talking to the dog]: Shut up dog, I need to eat.
[Grabs fistful of chips, eats one]
James [still talking to Pilot]: Has anyone ever offered you marijuana? Maybe no one has had this conversation with you, yet. Tell me if someone offers you any.
Me: What are you telling the dog?
James: It's all about not being a negligent owner, Jessa. I'm just covering all the bases.
[Pilot begins inspecting his genitals, licking them methodically while ignoring James]
James: Is there a conversation you have to have with your dog at some point about the fact that a cat is not a dog?
Me: We may need to talk to him about catnip.
James: Is that a thing? My hummus is my catnip. And don't interrupt me, I'm tweeting Seth MacFarlan.
Me: Why? It's not like he'll tweet you back.
James: Yes he will. I'll bet he gets hundreds of tweets a day from people who think they are funny.
Me: Like you?
James: No. I'm special, cause this is some funny shit.
Me: He won't retweet you.
James: How much do you want to bet?
Me: If Seth MacFarlan doesn't retweet your tweet within 48 hours, you have to clean the upstairs room to my satisfaction.
[James' face falls a bit.]
James: I'm not *that* confident...