Me: “Hey, sweetie, I think the dog might have an ear
infection. Look how he’s shaking his head.”
James: “He just likes the sound of his ear flaps smacking
his face.”
Me: “I’m pretty sure they’re just called ears.”
James: “No, they are flaps. Like on an airplane. Plus, he
can adjust them like an airplane.”
[I laugh]
James: “Dogs are essentially like airplanes.”
Me: “Here we go...”
James [continuing; ignoring me]: “Both have flappy ears,
terrible baggage service and are super expensive with little to show for it.”
Me: “Except dogs give you love.”
James: “No, dogs give you poop and pee on the floor.
Which is kind of like love.”
Me: “Is that why you miss the toilet when you pee?”
James: “Exactly. It’s 'cause love.”
Me: “Well stop loving me so much.”
[James flops over on the couch and sighs]
James: “Can’t. ‘Cause love spills over.”
Me: "Well then tell the dog to love you more, cause I'm tired of soaking up puppy pee with my socks when I walk across the carpet."
James: "Can't. He's my bro. Bros don't pee on each other."
[I get up and head to the kitchen]
Me: “Whatever. Just take the dog to the vet tomorrow and...stop peeing on the bathroom floor.”
[James picks up the dog]
James [cuddling the dog and whispering loudly]: “We’ll fly away from the mean
lady and pee wherever we want, bro.”
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