Monday, June 18, 2012

365 Days Later

For our one-year anniversary, James and I decided that instead of spending money we would simply enjoy the day together. Seeing as we had no money to spend, our decision was more of a necessity than a choice…but it felt like a choice.
It’s like when teachers tell the kids that they can either do their math lessons first, and then clean out the hamster cage, or they can clean the hamster cage then learn math.
Either way, someone has to pick up tiny hamster poop.

My father recently gave me a beautiful, leather-bound journal. In it, James and I have started (what I hope will be) a tradition.
Each year, we will write three new things that we’ve learned about the other person.

I wrote:

Dearest James,

Over this past year, I have learned that:
  • You hate it when I pee with the door open. 
  • You have a deep-seated ambition that comes out when you have projects you are passionate about, like your business.
  • The more tired you are, the funnier our conversations are.
Your Wife

My other half wrote:

Dear Wifey,

  • Whenever you are sleeping, some part of you has to be touching some part of me.
  • You hate shrimp, pineapple and it has to be completely dark when you are sleeping.
  • Your handwriting is better than mine. 

The end.

Later that day he handed me a stack of index cards. Each was a coupon of some sort, and each had some sort of caveat.

Card 1: Rub your feet (Only for as long as I can)
Card 2: Do the dishes (how I want to)
Card 3: Can I get a fish tank?
Card 4: Because I’ll take care of it and I used to have one and it was cool and I’ll take good care of it I promise.
Card 5: One hour of swing dancing lessons.
Card 6: One free beer-run (If I have money)
Card 7: One free “I’ll-Watch-A-Chick-Flick-With-You” (No Nicholas Cage or Sandra Bullock)
Card 8: One free fancy dinner (If I don’t have money I can make it)
Card 9: Um….can I please have a fish tank?

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